TikTok & WeChat are banned by US government from today onwards as US Government said that these companies could provide User’s Data/Information to China but Both companies (TikTok & WeChat) has denied for the same.
Trump Government says on Friday that WeChat will be surely banned from 20th of Sep but US users may continue use TikTok till 12th of Nov after that it will be fully banned.

Indian Government also banned all Chinese social Apps
Recently Indian government also has banned all Chinese social Apps included most popular apps like (TikTok , WeChat & most popular PubG game) due to same data security concern.
As Indian government also share the same concern related to user information & Data security.
Now the time to boycott Chinese apps & Products as china has given so many things to world like Corona virus, Data hacking, pushing world to 3 world war.
China did not use American Apps
As you Know China is a world most population natation, and you will be surprise that in Chian they didn’t use Google, Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp and other important platforms.
And china is using American companies’ platform (Play store & App Store) to reach out the world.
This is best action by Trump Government and slowly other countries will also understand the Moto of China.
What is in the order?
“At the president’s direction, we have taken significant action to combat China’s malicious collection of American citizens’ personal data,” said by Wilbur Ross in his statement from Department of Commerce Secretary
The Order says that from Sunday WeChat will be banned completed but TikTok uses will still able to use it.
But they will not be able to receive any updates for that and from 12th of Nov it will completely closed same as WeChat.